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Sunday, June 6, 2010

“Popular workouts to help women stay fit after 50 -” plus 2 more

“Popular workouts to help women stay fit after 50 -” plus 2 more

Popular workouts to help women stay fit after 50 -

Posted: 02 Jun 2010 10:17 PM PDT

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Hot flashes. Headaches. A tummy that won't go away no matter how many crunches you do. Menopause can be especially vexing for women trying to lose weight. As their estrogen levels drop, their testosterone exerts more influence. Because of the ensuing havoc, a woman's body will do what it can to retain whatever stores of estrogen it has. Alas, estrogen is stored in fat.

Don't despair, says Leigh Shipman, an instructor with a YMCA in North Carolina. She's been working with "active older adults" for 17 years, and she's seen both men and women lose weight and get fit.

"The average American woman should do just fine with one hour of moderate exercise a day," says Shipman, 51.

The key is finding the right exercise regimen — one you enjoy, one you look forward to doing and will stick with, says Mary Petters, an exercise physiologist with the University of North Carolina Wellness Center. "There's something out there for everyone," says Petters. "You're never too old to start."

We polled Petters, Shipman and Gerald Endress with the Duke University Diet & Fitness Center to find popular exercise classes for women 50 and older:

* Zumba: This Latin dance workout originated in Colombia in the 1990s and then became popular in the United States. Classes are almost everywhere.

Benefits: It's a full-body aerobic workout that gets you sweating, gets your heart rate up, burns calories — and it's fun.

Why it's popular with the 50-plus set: Unlike other dance and aerobic routines, Zumba is less choreographed, more free-spirited. No tricky footstep combinations to memorize.

* Water aerobics/swimming: Ten years ago, says Duke's Endress, water exercises focused on folks with arthritis and other joint issues. That's changed. "Water aerobics has really taken off — it's a much more vigorous exercise. ... We even have an aqua boot camp."

Benefits: Good cardio, good toning.

Why it's popular with the 50-plus set: You may not have arthritis, but at 50 your joints still need more TLC than they did 20 years ago; exercising in water relives the pressure on your joints.

* Walking: Walking is the preferred exercise for 25 million women ages 45 and up, making it by far the most popular form of exercise for that group.

Benefits: A vigorous daily walk of at least 30 minutes can manage weight, control blood pressure, decrease the risk of heart attack, boost "good" cholesterol, lower the risk of stroke, reduce risk of breast cancer and type 2 diabetes, and protect against hip fracture.

Why it's popular with the 50-plus set: You can do it on your own schedule, it's cheap, and it can be a social activity — walking groups, formal and informal, are especially popular with older walkers.

* Pilates: Exercises done with or without equipment that focus on core strength, flexibility and balance — the main areas we worry about as we age.

Benefits: It can make you leaner and stronger, but the benefits can also help people move more gracefully and efficiently, making it possible to do some of the basic functions of day-to-day life that can become a challenge as we age.

Why it's popular with the 50-plus set: It's adaptable. Pilates classes can be grueling enough to benefit a professional athlete or scaled back to accommodate people with less strength and flexibility.

Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Cardio dance - Examiner

Posted: 01 Jun 2010 11:33 AM PDT

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it.

In the winter, it is very common to get bored with doing your cardio workout inside and doing the same thing every workout. One way to add some excitement into your cardio and still get a great workout, try cardio dance. Cardio dance is like an aerobics class, but is more structured as dance. There are many places to give it a try, even in your own living room.

How to dress is something to consider. As far as clothes, you can wear whatever is comfortable for you and easy to move in. Make sure you dress as if your going to run, to make sure you are prepared for the bouncing and jumping. Your choice of shoes is important. You will be moving side to side and back and forth most of the time. Running shoes are not made for the side-to-side movement. You can get shoes that are made especially for cardio dance classes or you can wear a good cross training shoe, or even tennis shoes will work fine. You need the wider larger support area on the floor.

If you want to try cardio dance, but you feel you don't know the steps well enough, or you just want to cardio dance at home, there are hundreds of videos available. The best way to pick, which one you will like, is to go on you tube and search for cardio dance videos. Watch some of the one that have sample clips and pick which one looks the best for you. Make sure when doing the video at home that you clear a large enough spot so you can do the dance without getting injured.

After you feel comfortable that you can do the steps and keep up with the class, there are classes available at almost every health club. In the Twin Cities you can go to mspmag and find contacts and listings for many health clubs and YMCA group classes that are available.

If you decide to go to a class, make sure the first one you sign up for is a beginner class and try to arrive early the first time and tell the instructor that you are new. Ask them if you can get a place where you can see what they are doing, and to see if they can give you some tips on learning the steps.

Add some variety into your winter cardio workout and you will not get bored with it. Subscribe at the top of the page if you would like to get an email when a new article comes out.

Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Hip Hop Aerobics Class - Associated Content

Posted: 03 Jun 2010 02:59 PM PDT

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it.

Aerobics class is a great place to burn calories while listening to great music and meeting new people. Unfortunately, many people find that aerobics class can get dull quickly. The routine of step aerobics class or cardio kickboxing can get old quickly, making it hard to find the motivation to attend aerobics class.

Sometimes the best way to improve workout motivation is to try a new aerobics class. A number of flashy new classes have appeared in recent years, the most popular easily being zumba. A new type of dance aerobics class is proving equally successful. Hip hop aerobics combines the excitement of a nightclub with the calorie burning of aerobics class to provide a fun alternative to the usual routine.

Many people worry that they will look stupid when trying a hip hop aerobics class or that they won't understand how to do the moves. In truth, hip hop aerobics class is nothing like the hip hop you see on America's Next Best Dance Crew or in music videos. In a traditional hip hop class, the instructor will teach a short but challenging hip hop dance that often involves popping, locking or other techniques. A hip hop aerobics class is much less technical, and instead takes several easier movements and repeats them throughout the session. This repetitive nature makes it easy for beginners to catch on to the movements and maximizes caloric burn during the hip hop class.

Other advantages of taking a hip hop aerobics class include listening to current hip hop music hits, learning moves that can be shown off in the clubs and the laid back party atmosphere of the hip hop class.

Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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